IT Solutions, Consulting & Services for the Hospitality Industry

E - slating LLC is a US company with a strong international business coverage, leader in the Internet solution market for the Hospitality industry. Its broad offer includes the provision of hardware, software and services that integrate the industry’s latest trends for solving the IT newest challenges. 

With over 15 years of experience deploying solutions that integrate consulting, hardware provision, networking integration, software development and continuous support, in partnership with the leading brands in the Industry, E-SLATING is the smartest option for solving all the latest IT challenges. 

The keystone for our commitment with excellence and ability to move forward in one the most competitive environment within one of the most challenging industry lies in the strength of our highly trained team, our flexibility and our continuous commitment to problem solving with a partnership vision

Our leading solutions:

  • Wi-Fi site survey, planning and deploying for Hotels and public or transit areas.
  • Digital Signage service / cloud based PATHFINDER System
  • NOMADIX hospitality gateway provisioning

  • Captive Portal cloud service for Internet access
  • NOMADIX solution support and monitoring
  • Turn-Key full scale Network planning and deployment